POWER STRUGGLE is available for watching or purchase with a screening license for different kinds of uses via our online video store, hosted by Vimeo OTT VHX.TV, and through New Day Films and Kanopy.
For Home Use Only, Not For Classroom Use
(86-minute version only)
HD Digital Streaming (72-hour period) - $12 Rent
Download HD Video File and/or Unlimited Streaming - $24 Digital Purchase
Click to enlarge.
DVDs and Blu-ray Discs - Individuals Only (Non-MA Residents)
(86-minute version only)
- Includes shipping and handling
- Not for classroom use
DVDs and Blu-ray Discs - Individuals Only (MA Residents only)
(86-minute version only)
- Includes shipping and handling, and MA 6.25% sales tax
- Not for classroom use

DVD Shipping Charges and Taxes
US Orders: $6 shipping and handling fee for DVD and Blu-ray orders. Allow up to two weeks delivery.
Canadian Orders: $12 shipping and handling fee for DVD and Blu-ray orders. Allow up to three weeks delivery.
International Orders (outside of U.S. and Canada): $30 shipping and handling fee for DVD and Blu-ray orders. Allow up to three weeks delivery.
MA residents will be charged 6.25% MA sales tax ($1.87) for a DVD or Blu-ray disc order. (Digital streaming is tax-exempt.)
We accept all major credit cards (Visa MasterCard, American Express and Discover) and PayPal.
Your billing statement will show charges from Turning Tide Productions.
Community Organizations
Includes public screening license for nonprofit community organizations, K - 12 schools, public libraries and museums. Features both 86-minute and 52-minute versions with closed captions.
• Order DVD, Blu-Ray or Online Digital Streaming Licenses via New Day Filmsxxxx​
Includes educational screening license. Features both 86-minute and 52-minute versions with closed captions.
• Order DVD, Blu-Ray or Online Digital Streaming Licenses via New Day Filmsxxxx​
Digital Streaming is also available to participating educational institutions via Kanopyx
Free Previews for Educators and Librarians
University/college professors, K-12 teachers, school librarians, and public librarians may apply for a free preview. Please contact us.
About Our Pricing Categories
Schools and nonprofit community organizations pay a higher price for screening licenses in order to obtain public screening rights and for educational classroom use. Turning Tide Productions is committed to producing cutting-edge social issue documentaries. Digital film sales and speaking engagements are a primary means of generating the revenue necessary to support the independent production and distribution of our documentaries. If you believe your organization fits into one of these categories, but does not have the resources to afford that price, please contact us.

Discounts for Bulk DVD Purchases
We offer organizations a significant discount for bulk purchases of POWER STRUGGLE on DVD or Blu-ray that you could re-sell to your members or give away as “premium gifts” in your donor fundraising campaigns.
• 5 – 24 DVDs: 40% discount off of our $30 home video price:
• $18 per DVD or Blu-ray Disc, plus shipping
• 25 DVDs or more: 50% discount off of our $30 home video price:
• $15 per DVD or Blu-ray Disc, plus shipping
For bulk DVD or Blu-ray orders, contact filmmaker Robbie Leppzer: